Hunting has been in our blood for three generations. Our dad's dad passed before we were born, but we grew up hearing stories of his love for hunting Greenheads, Woodies, Teals, Goldeneyes and Bluebills over his hand carved decoys on Lake Simcoe in Ontario.
When we were old enough, Dad took us to all his old hunting spots. He taught us not only how to set decoys and wing shoot, but also how to enjoy the experience. One of our favourite stories growing up was the time Dad, Uncle Chuck, and Grandpa went west to Saskatchewan. We couldn't believe the amount of birds they saw! So, naturally it was a dream for Steve and I to go with Dad one day. 12 years ago we planned our first trip, and now every Fall we re-appear with the migration lol.
For the last 12 years we have owned a painting company where we paint multi-million dollar cottages on the Muskoka Lakes. Through this we've learned how to deliver a very high level customer experience. With our years of hunting experience, we're excited and prepared to give you memories that can be shared and embellished for years to come.
This outfitter currently has no lodging available.