March Product Updates

March Mallard Bay Product Updates
Multi-Package Checkout Flow
You can now purchase multiple packages from your outfitter or charter in the same checkout flow. Previously, if you wanted to book multiple packages or dates, they would have to purchase one, then go back and purchase the second trip through a new checkout. This was frustrating to customers, so now you can book all your trips in one fluid motion. To avoid lost trips, customers can now purchase multiple packages at once through a single checkout, ensuring outfitters are maximizing their bookings and sales.

Lodging Availability
If you're looking for an outfitter with lodging, you'll now see when lodging is available to book. With at-a-glance availability, you can access the information you need to plan, book, and enjoy your experience.

Be sure to check back next month to learn about new Mallard Bay features that enable you to have the best outdoor experiences possible!

Layering for Comfort: What to Wear While Hunting Waterfowl in Fall

The Art of Calling: Tips and Techniques for Successful Waterfowl Calls

Client Experience in the Field: Best Practices for Waterfowl Outfitters

Decoy Strategies for Fall Waterfowl Hunting: What Works Best for Each Species

The Ultimate Guide to Fall Waterfowl Hunting: Key Tips, Techniques, and Best Practices

Top 10 States for Amazing Waterfowl Hunting in November: Find Your Perfect Spot

Peak Season Success: Essential Strategies for Waterfowl Outfitters to Maximize Business

The Art and Science of Duck Banding: A Conservation Odyssey with Mallard Bay

How To Book a Hunting Trip

Axis Jerky Tacos
Experience Thermal Hog Hunting with Dirty Texas Outfitters

6 Tips on Planning a Guided Hunting Trip

Bourbon Spatchcock Turkey

Turkey Calling Tips

Louisiana Sportfishing - An Angler’s Paradise 2023

Waterfowl Hunting in Canada: What American Hunters Need to Know
Where to find Guided Sandhill Crane Hunts

Revolutionize Your Outdoor Business with Mallard Bay's GuideTech Software

Lodge Management - Enhance the Experience

Snow Goose Pastrami Recipe
Snow Goose Chili

Snow Goose Gumbo Recipe - A Cajun Tradition

Sight Fishing Louisiana
How to find the right Texas Guided Fishing Charters
Steak House Snow Goose Recipe